Some of the following plants tolerate shade well, while others actually prefer it. For most shade lovers, filtered shade is ideal. Those marked with an asterisk (*) tolerate deeper shade. No plant will survive long in darkness.
Common Name | Botanical Name |
Anemone | Anemone |
Bear’s breech | Acanthus |
Bee balm | Monarda |
Bellflower | Campanula |
Bergenia | Bergenia |
Bleeding heart | Dicentra |
Bugbane | Cimicifuga |
Cardinal flower | Lobelia cardinalis |
Christmas rose | Helleborus |
Columbine | Aquilegia |
Coralbells | Heuchera |
Daylily | Hemerocallis |
Dwarf plumbago | Ceratostigma |
Foxglove | Digitalis |
Globeflower | Trollius |
Goatsbeard | Aruncus |
Goldenstar | Chrysogonum |
Groundsel | Ligularia |
Lady’s mantle | Alchemilla |
Leopard’s bane | Doronicum |
Loosestrife | Lysimachia |
Lungwort* | Pulmonaria |
Meadowrue | Thalictrum |
Meadowsweet | Astilbe |
Plantain lily* | Hosta |
Primrose | Primula |
Queen-of-the-prairie | Filipendula |
Siberian bugloss* | Brunnera |
Siberian iris | Iris sibirica |
Solomon’s seal* | Polygonatum |
Spurge | Euphorbia |
Virginia bluebells | Mertensia |
Wake robin | Trillium grandiflorum |