Ground Covers that Do Well in Sun or Partial Shade

These plants do well whether planted in sun or partial shade. As trees grow and shade spreads, they will adjust without damage.

Common Name Botanical Name
Aaron’s-beard Hypericum calycinum
Bellflower Campanula
Bergenia Bergenia
Bugleweed Ajuga
Canby pachistima Paxistima canbyi
Creeping lilyturf Liriope spicata
Creeping mahonia Mahonia repens
Dichondra Dichondra micrantha
English ivy Hedera helix
Goutweed Aegopodium podagraria
Irish and Scotch moss Sagina subulata
Knotweed Polygonum
Mondograss Ophiopogon japonicus
Star Jasmine Trachelospermum
Wild or sand strawberry Fragaria chiloensis