Plant these right out in the open. They can take the sun full strength. However, in the sun belt, many of them do better with some shade, especially in the afternoon.
Common Name | Botanical Name |
Angel’s-hair | Artemisia schmidtiana |
Broom | Cytisus |
Cotoneaster, low growing | Cotoneaster |
Creeping manzanita | Arctostaphylos uva-ursi |
Dwarf coyotebrush | Baccharis pilularis |
Dwarf rosemary | Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Prostratus’ |
Irish and Scotch moss | Sagina subulata |
Japanese spurge | Pachysandra terminalis |
Juniper | Juniperus |
Lantana | Lantana |
Lavender cotton | Santolina chamaecyparissus |
Lippia | Phyla nodiflora |
Moss pink | Phlox subulata |
Periwinkle | Vinca major |
Rose | Rosa |
Santa Cruz pyracantha | Pyracantha koidzumii ‘Santa Cruz’ |
Small Himalayan sarcococca | Sarcococca hookerana var. humilis |
Snow-in-summer | Cerastium tomentosum |
Stonecrop | Sedum |
Sunrose | Helianthemum nummularium |
Sweet violet | Viola odorata |
Wild lilac | Ceanothus |
Woolly yarrow | Achillea tomentosa |