Low-Maintenance Gardening
Some landscaping features are inherently self-maintaining; others require constant maintenance. Choose the former and avoid the latter. Striking a Balance The law of diminishing returns holds in gardening as well as in economics: The closer you approach perfection (exact bloom timing, flowers and foliage absolutely untouched by pests and diseases, or maximum vegetable yields), the […]
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Keeping Garden Records
You’ll save time if you keep written records of what works, what doesn’t, and why. The more you write down about what you did and when you did it, the easier and more accurate planning will be next spring. Records can be kept in a garden journal, a loose-leaf notebook, or a scrapbook in which […]
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Easy Steps to a New Garden
Creating and caring for a beautiful garden can be easy if you follow these simple procedures. These steps work for a flower or vegetable bed, a rose garden, or a mixed border. Make your plans on paper before you set foot in the garden. Plot the size and content of your garden using graph paper, […]
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