Selecting Trees, Shrubs and Ornamentals
Once planted, trees and shrubs will be around for decades, so choose wisely. Be sure to select trees and shrubs that will grow well in your climate. Your local nursery can provide you with the information you need. Choose plants with healthy, vigorous top-growth that have a good root system with no signs of disease, […]
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Siting Sun Plants
Sun plants are those that are adapted to high levels of light. Their leaves can tolerate the high light and heat of the full sun, and they need those high light levels to grow their best. Without enough light, they stop producing flowers and fruit, growth slows, and they stretch toward the light. “Full sun” […]
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Siting Shade Plants
In general, afternoon shade is necessary for shade plants. They bleach or burn in the full afternoon sun. However, they can often tolerate morning sun or winter sun, when the sun is not overhead and the air is cool. All plants grow faster, and bloom and yield more fully, with more light if they can […]
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Siting Plants
In gardener’s jargon, deciding where to put a plant is called “siting” it—deciding on a site for it. Proper siting of a plant involves selecting a plant that is adapted to your region, then selecting the best place in your garden for it. The elements often put sharp restrictions on plants. Each plant has a […]
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