What you’ll need
- String
- Garden hose
- Rake
- Shovel
- Spade
- Stakes
- Straw (or other mulch cover)
step 1: Plan
First, choose the proper location for your garden. Where you plant your garden will depend on what you want to grow. If you prefer sun-loving flowers, then you will want to choose a spot where that gets at least 6 to 8 hours of sun every day. If your location isn’t negotiable—for instance, the side of your house—then consider how much direct sunlight that area receives per day. Plants vary in their light requirements, so select a spot with the right light for your favorite flowers.
step 2: Prepare
Using stakes and string, mark off the area. Using a garden hose, mark the border and experiment with different curves and shapes. You don’t have to use straight lines. Be creative—your garden can be any shape or size.
step 3: Dig
Use a spade to lift off grass. Or eliminate grass and weeds in your marked-off area by spraying grass killer. Wait a few days and spray again if necessary. Rake out the dead grass and weeds, and be sure to remove rocks and debris. Add garden soil for flowers and vegetables and work 10 inches into the soil with a rake, shovel or tiller. If you have your own compost, add it to the soil instead. Finally, smooth the area with a rake.
step 4: Plant
Plant according to the directions on your plant tags. Spring bulbs should be planted in fall. Plant annuals and perennials in spring after the soil is warm. You should plant summer bulbs at this time too. Feel free to experiment with colors, sizes and blooming times.
step 5: Mulch & Prevent Weeds
Before covering with mulch, cover the area with a pre-emergent weed control . It will help prevent weeds from taking over your flower garden while providing an important feeding to your flowers. Last, cover the area with a layer of mulch about 2 to 4 inches deep. The mulch will help keep the area moist while making it tough for weed seeds to germinate in your new soil.