There’s good reason why African violets are the most popular flowering houseplants. No other plant equals their ability to thrive and bloom indoors for months, and they really are not difficult to grow.
There are thousands of African violet varieties to choose from. Their rosettes of velvety leaves on short stems surround clusters of flowers in white, pink, red, violet, purple, yellow, or blue. For beginners, it’s best to start with varieties that have plain green leaves, rather than fancier types that are more difficult to grow.
The African violet’s compact size makes it ideal for windowsills, tabletops, and other small spaces. Placement where the plant will receive plenty of indirect light (or about 13 hours a day of artificial light) is the key factor in achieving constant blooming. An evenly moist potting mix, warm temperatures, high air humidity, and regular feeding throughout the year are other important factors for good growth.
Follow these helpful hints, and you’ll be rewarded with healthy African violets with lovely, long-lasting blooms:
- Pot your plants with african violet potting mix to provide the slightly acidic pH that African violets prefer, plus nutrients from plant food for improved plant growth.
- Keep the air moist around your African violets by surrounding the base of the plants with moist peat moss or placing them on a humidifying tray.
- Feed your plants when you water by adding plant food to the water in your watering can.
- Avoid getting cold water on the plants’ leaves, as it may cause spotting. It’s best to use room-temperature water and add the water at the bottom instead of the top of the plant.
- Keep plants away from cold windowpanes and avoid subjecting them to sudden changes in temperature.
- Remove dead leaves and flowers promptly, including stems.