Perennials that Tolerate Dry Soil

These perennials will tolerate drought and poor, dry soil better than most.

Common Name Botanical Name
Basket-of-gold Aurinia
Blackberry lily Belamcanda
Black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia
Blanket flower Gaillardia
Blue star Amsonia
Butterfly flower Asclepias
Coreopsis Coreopsis
Cupid’s dart Catananche caerulea
Daylily Hemerocallis
Evening primrose Oenothera
False indigo Baptisia
False lupine Thermopsis
Feverfew Chrysanthemum parthenium
Geranium Geranium
Globe thistle Echinops
Golden marguerite Anthemis
Goldenrod Solidago
Lamb’s ears Stachys
Mullein Verbascum
Pacific Coast iris Iris, Pacific Coast varieties
Pink Dianthus
Red-hot poker Kniphofia
Salvia Salvia
Sea pink Armeria
Spiderwort Tradescantia
Spurge Euphorbia
Stonecrop Sedum
Tall gayfeather Liatris scariosa
Wormwood Artemisia
Yarrow Achillea
Yellow archangel Lamiastrum galeobdolon