How to Seed Bare Spots And Thin Areas
Summer heat and drought usually cause thin brown spots in the lawn. Luckily, fall is the best time to seed and it’s EASY! Follow the simple steps below and you’ll have a thick, green lawn:
1. Prepare the soil.
The soil must be turned over to a depth of approximately 1 inch to provide a lodging place for the grass seeds. In small areas this can be done using a sharp tool such as a garden rake .
2. Sow the seed evenly.
Seeding of the area can be done using any lawn spreader, either drop-type or rotary. On very small areas, the seed can be spread by hand.
3. Fertilize to Give Seeds a Strong Start.
Apply fertilizer the same day you seed to get the seedlings off to a strong start. Scotts Starter is specially formulated to feed the seeds with all the nutrients they need to grow thicker grass quicker!
4. Watering is critical.
Keep the seeds constantly moist to start germination. Water often, rather than deeply, since only the top inch of the soil needs to be kept moist. Once germination starts, keep the area moist until the seedlings are well established.
Be sure to review the tips for mowing a new lawn, and start the new lawn on an annual lawn program for best results.